02 Aug 2021

Summer School on Migration Studies 2021

  • Date
    23 Aug 2021, 09:00am

The 13th Summer School on Migration Studies will take place from 23 – 27 August 2021 in Prague, Czech Republic. The event is organized by the International Organization of Migration’s Czechia office. This year edition is held in co-operation with the Faculty of Law of the University of Charles and co-funded by the US Embassy in Prague.

The project of Summer School aims to raise awareness among young professionals and students on the realities of migration towards the orderly and humane migration management, and to promote knowledge about international cooperation on migration issues, including about humanitarian relief to migrants and displaced individuals.

The Summer School will be attended by university students and young professionals from the Czech Republic and abroad. The 5 days program will consist of interactive seminars with international and Czech experts from various fields regarding migration. All lectures will be held in English.

The Summer School 2021 will take place both in person on the premises of the Faculty of Law of the University of Charles as well as on-line. The number of seats for in-person attendance will be announced on the basis of governmental restrictions during the following months, but no later than in July. The capacity will not exceed 100 participants. Online capacity is limited to 100 seats.

Among the main thematic focus of the upcoming program are:

  • Migration and the Czech Republic | European Union
  • Migration in the Mediterranean
  • Migration and Forced Displacement: Case Study: Syria
  • Migration and the Americas
  • Migration and Climate Change

The participation of all speakers will be announced during the month of June.

Registration for participation at the Summer School takes place from May 15 to July 15, 2021.

Selection of candidates will be done on rolling basis between 01 July and 31 July. IOM reserves the right to close registrations earlier in case of depletion of participation capacities.

The registration fee is 240 euros for both in person and on-line participation. In case of cancellation of registration after July 31, the fee will not be refunded.

To apply, please send a registration application to summerschool@iom.int by attaching your CV and a short cover letter with no more than 100 words, including your statement whether you wish to attend in person or online. Please include "Registration Summer School 2021" as subject of the email.

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, any travel costs, accommodation as well as meals are strictly at the own expense and responsibility of all participants.

Summer School on Migration Studies 2021 Program



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