07 Feb 2023

Winter school on Migration studies 2023

  • Date
    15 Feb 2023, 11:00am
  • Location
    Prague - Faculty of Law, Charles University

The role of local government in the integration of foreigners in the municipality

Integration measures in municipalities - finding a balance between law, security and social peace

Registration for the Winter School of Migration Studies - Registration form


15 - 17 February 2023

Prague - Faculty of Law, Charles University

PDF invitation to view and download here.

The Winter School is primarily intended for mayors, municipal officials, community centres and staff responsible for integration in municipalities and micro-regions.

This year's main topics:

  • What does the state want and why? What does the law want and why? What do mayors need and why?
  • Integration of foreigners in the community as a legal, security and social issue
  • Coordination of integration of foreigners in regions and inter-regional cooperation
  • Sharing good practices of migration management in municipalities among mayors
  • Current legal aspects of temporary protection
  • Sharing good practices from rural municipalities in the USA
  • The threat of polarization by the topic of migration in the municipality - principles of depolarization

Registration for the Winter School is open until 5 February 2023. After registration, participants will be selected and contacted on an ongoing basis. IOM reserves the option to close registrations early if capacity for participation is exhausted.

The maximum capacity is 70 participants.

The registration fee is CZK 2,300.


PDF invitation to view and download here.