
Summer School on Migration Studies 2024 Welcomed Students from Around the World

Over ninety students from more than forty countries participated in the week-long Summer School on Migration Studies held at Albertov in Prague from Sunday, 18 August. The program was organized by the Faculty of Science at Charles University in collaboration with the Czech office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM Czechia). Partners included the UN Information Centre in Prague and the Czech office of UNHCR, which provided scholarships for participants who are refugees from Ukraine and Afghanistan.


The Summer School on Migration, held annually since 2009, focused this year on the theme of refugees and integration. Among the speakers were prominent figures such as Rinus Penninx, Professor at the University of Amsterdam; Eric Opoku Ware, whose organization in Ghana raises awareness about the risks of irregular migration; and Professor Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi from the Austrian Academy of Sciences.